
 The independent Quality Assessment of Dental Implants


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CleanImplant "Trusted Quality" Mark

Implant systems that comply with the CleanImplant Quality Mark Criteria according to the consensus recommendation of the Scientific Advisory Board are listed below. This guideline for clean implants was released September 2017 and has yet been established in many implant manufactoring sites as de-facto standard for the cleanliness of implantable devices.  

Click on the Quality Mark image to download the consensus paper  (4 MByte PDF-file).

For the comprehensive quality assessment five implant samples of each implant type have been analyzed by means of SEM and elemental analysis. The certification "Trusted Quality" is valid for two years before the CleanImplant  re-evaluation process has to start. Hence, the list of implant systems  (in alphabetic order) carrying the "Trusted Quality Mark" is continually updated and extended.

The implant system of your choice is not listed below ? Please do not hesitate and send us a mail !


"Trusted Quality" Implant Types 2023 (in alphabetic order)

ASTRA TECH EV - Dentsply Sirona

Click on the images to enlarge

Biotech Dental – Kontact S

Click on the images to enlarge

bredent medical – whiteSKY

Click on the images to enlarge.

BTI Biotechnology Institute - UnicCa

 Click on the images to enlarge.

Champions Implants - R(E)volution

Click on the images to enlarge

Dentis  -  s-Clean SQ-SL

Click on the images to enlarge

Dentium – SuperLine

Click on the images to enlarge

Global D – In-Kone 

Click on the images to enlarge.

Izenimplant - ZENEX

Click on the images to enlarge.

Medentis Medical – ICX-Premium - Re-evaluation currently in peer-review

Click on the images to enlarge.

MegaGen – Anyridge
Click on the images to enlarge.

MegaGen - BlueDiamond
Click o the images to enlarge.

NucleOSS – T6 

Click on the images to enlarge.

Ritter Implants - Spiral SB/LA

Click on the images to enlarge.

Southern Implants - INVERTA

Click on the images to enlarge.

Swiss Dental Solutions - SDS2.2

Click on the images to enlarge.

Swiss Dental Solutions - SDS1.2

Click on the images to enlarge.


More implant types were analyzed in the framework of the "CleanImplant Trusted Quality Mark". Quality assessments of these implants and the peer-review processes are pending. 

CleanImplant Quality Assessment Study Study 2021-2022
A wide range of implant samples from recent production are currently collected by the research team of the CleanImplant Foundation. The selection of implant systems was made by the Scientitic Advisory Board of the Foundation. If, beyond this, manufacturers wish to include their implant system and become a passive or active participant, they are asked to fill out this form.

SEM results and images of the Implant Study 2017-2020
More than 100 implant types from manufacturers from over 20 countries were analyzed by the CleanImplant Foundation following the accredited and thorough protocol of analysis according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025. Results will be published in scientific peer-reviewed journals soon. Certified Dentists and Fellow Members can apply for preliminary results of analysis about implants they have in use. Find out more here

SEM results and images of the Implant Study 2014-2015
To avoid misuse of these data by competitors CleanImplant Foundation sticks to the statutes and does not publish sensitive data here. 
The full report based on the Implant Study 2014-2015 (released April 2016) with 822 pages and 2.950 SEM images of 135 different implants (95 brands) including 150 qualitative and quantitative elemental analyses can be requested at .  (PDF or printed version).